Global Office Locations

We are a global energy business with offices around the world.

United Arab Emirates

United States of America

United Kingdom

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


  • +971 2 653 3333 Copied
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  • Hoogoorddreef, 15, 1101BA Amsterdam,
    the Netherlands, P.O. Box Hoogoorddreef
    15 1101 BA , Amsterdam Netherlands


  • +971 2 653 3333 Copied
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  • Nur Navoi Solar Limited Liability Company,
    Foreign Enterprise 95a, Amir Temur,
    Yunusabad District, Tashkent City



  • +971 2 653 3333 Copied
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  • Level 29, World Trade Center 3, Jl. Jend.
    Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31, Jakarta
    Selatan,DKI Jakarta 12920, Indonesia


Azerbaijan Republic

  • +971 2 653 3333 Copied
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  • 10th floor, South Tower of the Port Baku Towers
    Business Center, 153 Neftchilar Avenue, Baku city,
    AZ1010, the Republic of Azerbaijan


  • +971 2 653 3333 Copied
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  • MASDAR EUROPE S.L.U, Plaza del Marqués
    de Salamanca n. 11, Office a, 28006 Madrid,
    Kingdom of Spain

Media Inquiries & Relations

For all media related inquiries, please email