Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Masdar Collaborate to Make UAE Diplomatic Buildings More Efficient

22 DEC 2013
News Clean Energy

Abu Dhabi, UAE: December 23, 2013 – The United Arab Emirates (UAE) Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, have signed two contracts whereupon Masdar will audit the energy, waste and water efficiency of the UAE Ministry Foreign Affairs headquarters, and provide an assessment on the sustainability elements of the new UAE embassy design in Doha, Qatar. 

Under the agreements, Masdar will provide its expertise on sustainability and building efficiency to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Masdar will conduct an audit to ensure that the Ministry’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi and the UAE diplomatic mission in Doha benefit from increased operational efficiency through measures to reduce waste, and conserve energy and water. The work in Doha will ensure that the embassy meets the energy performance and indoor air quality standards of Abu Dhabi’s Estidama Pearl Rating System.

“The contracts we have signed with Masdar will capitalize on the company’s extensive knowledge and experience in sustainable building design and construction, and we look forward to expanding the activities that we have envisioned in our collaboration with Masdar,” said His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamed, the Under Secretary for the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs. “The headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must set the example for other government buildings as well as UAE missions around the world.” 

Mohamed Al Ramahi, Masdar’s Chief Operating Officer, signed the contracts with HE Sheikh Al Hamed at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The agreements that we signed with the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs highlight the nation’s leadership in sustainable development worldwide,” Mr. Al Ramahi said. “Masdar is pleased to work with the Ministry to ensure that their headquarters and the UAE embassy in Doha meet the highest possible building operational efficiency.”

Masdar will conduct a detailed energy, water and waste consumption audit of the Ministry’s headquarters to identify and recommend practical efficiency measures. The audit will highlight the potential cost savings of conserving these resources. Following the audit, awareness and educational initiatives will take place throughout the Ministry, aiming to instill a better understanding of best practices in sustainability.

Masdar has conducted similar audits and provided recommendations on energy, water and waste for nearly 100 buildings in the UAE and abroad. 

The two contracts for the Ministry and the diplomatic mission in Doha stem from a five-year Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the Ministry and Masdar signed in July of this year. The MoU aims to ensure that the UAE’s embassies reflect the country’s sustainability agenda.