Masdar launches new sustainable city report

24 FEB 2020
News Reports

Masdar, in collaboration with The National newspaper, has released a new report, titled People and spaces: the role of urban green spaces in cultivating innovation, sustainability and health and well-being in Arab cities. The report sheds new light on why public spaces must have their proper place in the urban planning process if the transformation of Arab towns and cities is to achieve lasting benefits for the mind, body and planet.

The results of an online survey, appointed by Masdar and conducted by The National, also shows that people are well aware that access to public green space in the city in which they live helps make them happy. 

More such spaces are desired and the majority of respondents indicated they would make regular use of them, while more than a third of respondents cited mental health benefits as the main role of green public space in a city.

In the report, Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, the Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said: “In the past, cities were built with a focus on economic development and defence as opposed to the environment or the happiness of their inhabitants. To bring about ‘people-centric’ cities that meet the needs of those who live in them, it is essential to prioritise the development of the public realm. 

“Research shows that doing so yields tangible commercial benefits, besides improved health and well-being, with successful businesses and the highly skilled attracted to communities that are well integrated with their outdoor environment.”

To read the full report, click here.