Masdar is dedicated accelerating sustainable development

09 JUN 2020
News Clean Energy

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Masdar is dedicated to a low-carbon recovery post-COVID-19, according to Yousif Al Ali, Executive Director, Clean Energy.

As a global renewable energy leader active in more than 30 countries, Masdar is taking steps to ensure business continuity and the supply of vital clean energy to the communities that rely on our clean power, enabling them to stay safe and stay at home, Al Ali adds.

Speaking during a video interview for the #WeAreDedicated campaign, Al Ali emphasizes Masdar’s dedication to a low-carbon recovery, saying that now is the time to grasp the opportunity to accelerate global sustainable development, and that Masdar is dedicated to supporting that effort. 

Masdar has joined Mubadala’s #WeAreDedicated COVID-19 Response campaign, which features our efforts to work with local and global partners to ensure business continuity for Masdar City tenants and partners, as well as the supply of vital clean energy to the communities that rely on the company’s power, enabling them to stay safe and at home.

For more information about Masdar’s Clean Energy projects, click here.